Karl Koslovski

Karl Koslovski
  • Version 1.0
  • Publication date 5 March 2024

Karl Koslovski, born on 24 January 1905 (place of birth unknown), lived together with his wife and their three children in Tori parish in the southwestern part of Estonia. The Koslovskis were the second largest extended Romani family in Estonia. The 166 individuals who bore that name had arrived in Estonia from Latvia during the second half of the nineteenth century. Karl Koslovski never attended school and eked out a living as a manual labourer. On 7 February 1942, the village elder ordered the liquidation of Koslovski’s household because he had been sent to a concentration camp. The following day he was first brought to the Tori parish administration building and then to Sindi. On 9 February, he entered Pärnu prison. A few days before the arrest, Koslovski had sold his horse to a local citizen, and this had become the subject of a criminal investigation. Before 6 March 1942, the guards took him to Harku prison, along with all the other Romani prisoners at Pärnu. Karl Koslovski’s name does not appear on any of the lists of murdered Roma. Police files contain no information on his father, August (unknown–unknown), either. There is a chance that both of them survived. As regards Karl Koslovski’s wife and their three children, they probably perished, given that the survival rate among the Estonian Roma was just above ten percent.


Anton Weiss-Wendt:Karl Koslovski,in: Encyclopaedia of the Nazi Genocide of the Sinti and Roma in Europe. Ed. by Karola Fings, Research Centre on Antigypsyism at Heidelberg University, Heidelberg 5 March 2024.-

4 December 1941In German-occupied Estonia, Reich Commissioner Hinrich Lohse communicates the decision of 1 December to the Higher SS and Police Leader in the Ostland, Friedrich Jeckeln, interpreting it to mean that all Roma should be imprisoned.
7 February 1942In German-occupied Estonia, a village elder orders the liquidation of Karl Koslovski’s household because he has been sent to a concentration camp.