Aletta Beck

Aletta Beck

Aletta Beck, M.A. is a historian and works in the field of historical and political education in Germany and the Czech Republic.

Lemma A–Z

Criminal Police Headquarters(5 March 2024)
Czech Republic(6 May 2024, Co-Author )
Database of Roma Victims of the Holocaust(6 May 2024, Co-Author )
Detention Camps (Bohemia and Moravia)(6 May 2024, Co-Author )
Janovský, Josef(19 December 2024)
Law No. 117/1927 Coll. (Czechoslovakia)(21 August 2024)
Letov, Jiří(19 December 2024)
Lety near Pisek(20 December 2024)
Lyss, August(5 March 2024)
Munich Agreement(21 August 2024)
Polansky, Paul(5 March 2024, Co-Author )
Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia(19 December 2024)
Registration (Bohemia and Moravia)(20 December 2024)
Serinek, Josef(21 August 2024)

Lemma A–Z(Deutsch)

Database of Roma Victims of the Holocaust (6 May 2024, Co-Author )
Erfassung (Böhmen und Mähren)(5 March 2024)
Gesetz Nr. 117/1927 (Tschechoslowakei)(5 March 2024)
Janovský, Josef(5 March 2024)
Kriminalzentrale(5 March 2024)
Letov, Jiří(5 March 2024)
Lety bei Pisek(5 March 2024)
Lyss, August(5 March 2024)
Münchner Abkommen(8 August 2024)
Polansky, Paul(5 March 2024, Co-Author )
Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren(5 March 2024)
Serinek, Josef(8 August 2024)
Tschechien(5 March 2024, Co-Author )
Zwangslager (Böhmen und Mähren)(5 March 2024, Co-Author )