Michal Schuster

Michal Schuster

M.A. Michal Schuster is a historian currently collaborating with the organisations Schola Fidentiae and Antikomplex at Prague.

Lemma A–Z

Lemma A–Z(Deutsch)

Aušvicate hi kher baro(15 February 2024)
Blahynka, Štěpán(15 February 2024)
Brno(6 May 2024)
Committee for the Redress of the Roma Holocaust(12 March 2024)
Daniel, Rudolf(12 March 2024)
Danielová, Růžena(15 February 2024)
Database of Roma Victims of the Holocaust (6 May 2024, Co-Author )
Deportationen nach Auschwitz-Birkenau (Böhmen und Mähren)(6 May 2024)
Hodonin bei Kunstadt(5 March 2024)
Holomek, Tomáš(12 March 2024)
Hrušky(12 March 2024)
Museum of Romani Culture(15 February 2024)
Nečas, Ctibor(1 December 2023)
Paffner, Alois(6 May 2024)
Reichenberg(15 February 2024)
Sudetenland(8 February 2024)
Tschechien(5 March 2024, Co-Author )
Zwangsarbeitsanstalten(5 March 2024)
Zwangslager (Böhmen und Mähren)(5 March 2024, Co-Author )